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Of the several signs that show you need an electrician’s help, these five are some of the most common and unmistakable ones to look for.
Dimming or flickering lights are obvious, and you’ll notice them immediately because they are annoying when you need light to see in a room. However, they’re also a warning sign of other potential issues. While it may not be a major safety issue yet, if you notice lights dimming over an extended time, this could be an early indicator of more serious problems—perhaps an overloaded circuit or poor wiring.
If your lights are constantly flickering, even after replacing bulbs, it’s time to call in the pros at Gorjanc so they can find the root of the problem.
A buzzing noise usually originates at an outlet or switch and may not be immediately noticeable. It’s not like in the movies where there’s a tremendous hum!
These sounds often indicate a loose connection (faulty wiring) and will get worse (louder) over time.
Besides being annoying, buzzing noises are another sign it’s time to contact our electrical experts before something worse happens, like sparks and arcs.
Before we even talk about what may be causing sparks and arcs, if you notice this in your home, don’t hesitate—call Gorjanc at (216) 545-1776 for immediate help! This is a perilous situation you should not go anywhere near.
You should never see sparks and arcs of electricity from the outlets in your home. If you do, it likely means that wires are directly exposed, which is highly hazardous.
Like buzzing sounds, a burning odor may not be immediately noticeable—but it will likely build over time and is a crucial warning sign of a much more dangerous scenario.
When a burning odor starts to emerge from an outlet or behind a wall, you need to act fast! Call (216) 545-1776 immediately for emergency service to stop the burning and prevent a possible electrical fire.
Overheating wiring often creates a scorching smell, or sparks may have caused clouds of smoke to form. Either way, contact a professional right away!
You’ve probably experienced a shock before, even if you were just playing around with static electricity as a child. But, getting shocked by an electrical outlet is no fun and may indicate a more serious problem.
If you plug in or unplug a device from an outlet and are shocked, stop using that outlet immediately and call Gorjanc’s electrical experts at (216) 545-1776. In fact, we strongly recommend you not use any outlet in your home until one of our electricians comes to investigate.
If any of the five signs mentioned here occur in your home, it’s vital to take precautions and contact an electrician. These problems can cause severe damage to your home—like a fire—and could be fatal to you if not acted on immediately!
Knowing who to trust with your home repairs can be difficult. Your safety and peace of mind are of utmost importance, so don’t regret calling the wrong company for electrical services. Make the Smart Choice and call Gorjanc at (216) 545-1776 today.
Don’t regret calling the wrong company for heating, cooling, plumbing, or electrical services. Make the right choice and call Gorjanc Home Services at (216) 545-1776.
Gorjanc Home Services is Northeast Ohio’s Smart Choice for heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical service since 1963.
OH Lic# 18275
(216) 464-4647