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All of a sudden, when supply around the globe became limited for practically everything imaginable, businesses quickly realized they needed a large supply to catch up to the great demand. But, how would businesses pick up that slack and how long would it take to catch up to pre-pandemic levels?
Like almost every other industry, the HVAC, plumbing, and electrical industries were not immune to the new supply chain pandemic.
We’ve seen homeowners feeling the effects of the product and parts shortages brought on by supply chain issues. HVAC and home service contractors across the country have been hit with rising costs, staff shortages, and an inability to get much-needed materials like microchips, for instance, which are crucial components of HVAC systems. All these factors are leading to delays in getting important repairs completed to keep your home comfortable and running smoothly, especially as the weather warms up.
Summer traditionally increases the demand for cooling equipment and services. Before the summer of 2020, any contractor would have welcomed a spike in air conditioner demand. However, due to a potential shortage of available cooling units and components, many HVAC companies are struggling to meet the increase in demand.
Shortages in the HVAC market are a true reflection of supply and cost challenges in the manufacturing sector. Prices for goods used in residential construction have increased by over 10% in the past six months, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”
—Alan Lakein
Gorjanc began to take precautions quickly so we—and most importantly, you—wouldn’t be affected by these problems. Ben Schaubert, Gorjanc Production Manager, says: “At Gorjanc Home Services, we have taken supply chain issues seriously. We have also taken no heat, no cooling, no hot water, and no power seriously. That’s why we invested in safety stock to buffer the demands of our clients with the equipment available from our suppliers.
“We have, at minimum, a month’s supply of air conditioners, furnaces, and water heaters in our warehouse. In the case of generators, where lead times for new standby generators were six to twelve weeks, we have a two-month supply.”
Gorjanc prepared for supply chain disruptions because your comfort and well-being matter to us. While these shortages may continue through 2022, we will be there for you with the equipment you need and the service you’ve come to expect.
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smart solutions for a more comfortable home.
Don’t regret calling the wrong company for heating, cooling, plumbing, or electrical services. Make the right choice and call Gorjanc Home Services at (216) 545-1776.
Gorjanc Home Services is Northeast Ohio’s Smart Choice for heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical service since 1963.
OH Lic# 18275
(216) 464-4647