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The Buckeye State isn't known as one of the warmest parts of America, but it still becomes quite hot at times. Temperatures can exceed 90 degrees and occasionally reach 100 F. Sadly, severe heat kills approximately 40 Cleveland residents each year. Locals can benefit from learning the symptoms of related health conditions.
A person may develop serious medical problems if heat exhaustion isn't addressed promptly and correctly. The symptoms range from mild to moderately severe.They include pale skin, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, cramps in muscles, headaches and excessive sweat. An individual with heat exhaustion may also faint.
One of the less serious conditions involves an itchy skin irritation. This rash primarily affects children, but some adults also experience it. The ailment can be identified by looking for tiny reddish blisters. They often appear on the chest, neck, elbow, stomach or under breasts. Less humidity and a lower temperature can help alleviate this rash, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Ohioans may experience spasms or pains in their muscles if they exert themselves heavily in hot weather. Such cramps occur because the body loses too much salt and water when people produce considerable amounts of sweat. This condition primarily affects abdominal, arm and leg muscles. People can avoid it by minimizing outdoor work and thoroughly cooling indoor fitness areas.
An individual can die if he or she experiences heat stroke and doesn't obtain immediate medical attention. Body temperatures often reach or exceed 103 degrees when his occurs. Skin may become red or grayish in color, and the person could lose consciousness. Other potential symptoms include dizziness, confusion, headache, convulsions, nausea, fatigue and a fast heartbeat.
Anyone can suffer from temperature-related illnesses, especially when working outdoors on hot days. Nonetheless, some Ohio residents are particularly susceptible to these medical problems. They include babies, children under five years old, overweight people and seniors. Some individuals have chronic health conditions that put them at a greater risk. Certain prescription drugs have the same effect.
When Ohioans experience health problems due to extreme heat, they benefit from resting and gaining adequate hydration. Medical attention may or may not prove necessary. Fans don't offer sufficient cooling to prevent such illnesses at high temperatures. Locals can stay cool by contacting an HVAC firm that offers
emergency air conditioning repair in Cleveland.
Don’t regret calling the wrong company for heating, cooling, plumbing, or electrical services. Make the right choice and call Gorjanc Home Services at (216) 545-1776.
Gorjanc Home Services is Northeast Ohio’s Smart Choice for heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical service since 1963.
OH Lic# 18275
(216) 464-4647