Tips to Survive Without AC

Nov 01, 2016

Recent summers have set all kinds of records for high temperatures. The last thing that most homeowners may plan on is the need for emergency air conditioning repair in Cleveland during the hottest days of summer. However, there are times when funds and available credit are both low. There are ways to cope with hot weather without an AC.

Alternatives to Air Conditioning

Box fans: In the days before air conditioning was common, people put electric fans in their homes to circulate air. It's possible to find very inexpensive fans at discount or home improvement stores. Fans don't really cool a room, but they make rooms feel cooler in the same way that an outdoor breeze does.

Even if the AC does work, fans can keep rooms more comfortable, so it's possible to turn the thermostat up a few degrees. Remember that fans only work when somebody is in the room to experience the breeze. Fans use power too; they just don't use as much as air conditioners do. Remind everybody to shut the fan off when no one is in the room.

  1. Evaporators: One newer product is called an evaporator. It runs with water or ice in order to cool off a limited area. These machines may lower the temperature of a room by about five degrees or so. These aren't a perfect solution if humidity is also an issue, but they are great for dry and hot climates. Like fans, they might also be used with an air conditioner to keep the main thermostat turned up a bit.
  2. Windows: Of course, in the days before air conditioning or even electricity, people coped with the heat by letting outside air circulate. This means that two windows need to be open to provide a steady breeze of cooling air. Even if it's miserably hot outside, this stream of air can make the home feel cooler.

Tips About Coping With Heat

Of course, young, old, or ill people can be vulnerable to heat.These tips might not be great suggestions for homeowners with concerns about keeping the most vulnerable people comfortable. It's also important to stay very well hydrated, so everybody needs to keep a glass of ice water handy. It's tough to imagine life without air conditioning during the hottest days of the summer, and it's not something most people would prefer to cope with today.

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